Balance Calibration
Starlab can come on-site to calibrate laboratory balances in the range of 0.001 mg to 10 kg.
Our traceable calibrations will enable you to:
- comply with general requirements of ISO 17025
- comply with ISO15189
- help ensure compliance with USP chapters on weighing
Calibrations can be performed over the entire range of the balance (max. capacity 10 kg) or
to a range specified by you. Each calibration will consist of:
- a repeatability, accuracy and eccentricity test
- a calculation of the measurement uncertainty, as standard
- either a 5 or 10 point check for each range of the balance
- Certificate of Calibration for each balance, supplied in pdf format
Balance Calibration
- 5 Point Check | On-Site: C0002-0500 | £56.05
- 10 Point Check | On-Site: C0002-1000 | £67.96
Traceable Timer & Stopwatch Calibration
You can mail-in your Timers and Stopwatches to be calibrated to traceable standards that will support
your quality and regulatory requirements such GxP and ISO.
Calibrations can be performed over the entire range of the balance (max. capacity 10kg) or
to a range specified by you.
Calibration Timer / Stopwatch:
- Mail-In: C0003-0000 | £10.13