2.5 ml SemiMicro Cuvette, Square, UV Grade PMMA
Product Highlights
- UV grade PMMA for accuracy throughout the UV/Vis range 280 to 800 nm
- Cuvettes supplied in polystyrene rack with lid for safe storage.
2.5 ml SemiMicro Cuvette, Square, UV Grade PMMA
Disposable cuvettes suitable for use with most open spectrophotometers. Provides optimum transmission level on the whole visible spectral. The material used avoids any possible measurement interference. High reliability is assured, with maximum absorption variation at: +/- 1 %.
Light beam width: for 10 mm. The two sides not crossed by the light beam are ribbed to an easy identification of the cuvette position inside the spectrophotometer measurement chamber, resulting in an easy positioning and removal.
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