Tips for a more sustainable lab

Reuse TipOne® racks
Reduce plastic waste! TipOne® racks can be reused again and again with the sterile and non-sterile TipOne® refill systems. The sturdy racks can withstand at least 100 autoclave cycles.

Upcycle TipOne® racks
Reuse and repurpose! TipOne® racks are sturdy, autoclavable and stackable, which makes them ideal for storing all sorts of items on your lab bench or in the hood. Keep small items like tubes and caps clean and tidy by reusing the tip racks as storage or autoclaving vessels.

Think before you autoclave
Many laboratory products like tips and tubes are certified. Nine times out of ten, they probably don't need to be autoclaved. For example, our non-sterile TipOne® refills are designed for easy insertion into the rack and remain clean during racking. Think of the energy you can save. Think ... "do I really need to autoclave this?"

Buy in bulk, by the case.
Buy your consumables by the case. Buying larger amounts less frequently saves on transport emissions and packing materials too. You can easily spot the products we sell by the case, as the Article Nos all end with -C.

Freezer management
Set ultra low freezers to -70°C rather than -80°C. Usually, this will not compromise the sample’s integrity (always run a test first!) but will save a lot of energy. Defrost freezers regularly as they use more energy when loaded with ice. Discard old samples so freezer space is not wasted, and optimize freezer space with sample storage boxes for efficient energy use.

This does not just refer to the lights in your lab, as that goes without saying. Here, we are talking about equipment not being used - switch it off! Even if its on standby, equipment can significantly increase the amount of energy used, especially if you have several devices that always left in standby in your lab - it all adds up!

Our articles & podcasts
In our newsroom, we have loads of interesting articles covering sustainability in the lab. Articles cover topics such as water usage, energy consumption, and how what you buy and use in the lab matters. Click on the link to go to our newsroom to read our articles, there are articles on other topics too, not just sustainability in the lab. You will find our podcasts here too. Enjoy!